recording studio construction Tag

Recording Studios in Los Angeles: Building Your Own vs. Renting

Ever tried renting a recording studio in and around Los Angeles? Expensive, huh? And sometimes a major hassle.

Few industries have changed as much as the Music Industry has over recent years; and it has been an empowering change for every would-be singer, musician, rapper or producer. Advancement in technology has made home recording more attainable and affordable for everyone.

Why not do it all from home? I’m not just talking about having some equipment. How about some designing and remodeling and doing it right? Build a recording studio right here in Los Angeles! In your own home, in fact. You might think that creates a larger cost than renting a studio, but let’s look closer.

Time, Stress and Cost

Time = money. All the time in a rented studio costs plenty. That includes while you’re busy setting up your gear, talking to the engineer, using the

Tips for Remodeling and Upgrading Your Home Recording Studio

When you first had your home recording studio designed and constructed, it probably represented everything you needed to make crisp, true, professional audio recordings.

But now things have changed. The music and recording industries have evolved and your studio may not be providing everything you need. Maybe it is dated and not totally comfortable for clients.

Maybe you need more room for equipment. Or maybe you need the flexibility to accommodate many varieties of vocal groups, bands, instrumentalists and recording engineers.

It’s time for your home recording studio to be upgraded and remodeled.

Turn to a Specialist in Remodeling Recording Studios

While there are many construction companies that can remodel a home, few can provide a turnkey recording studio from design to equipment setup. Not only must the construction company understand the artistry in creating quality acoustics and the

Recording Studio Floor Treatments

Carpeting with extra thick padding is a traditional recording studio standard. The idea being “the squishier the better”. What this does is it absorbs the sound waves before they hit your sub floor surface, whether it be concrete slab or a raised foundation. With today’s newer materials, we are moving more towards eco-friendly, recycled products that are made specifically for floor sound proofing treatments.

What You Must Know About Permits and Zoning Before building Your Recording Studio

To build a legal professional recording studio “with permits” you first have to check with Building and Safety and Plan Check and Zoning.

In Los Angeles for example we have run into several locations that had specific restrictions for recording studios and rehearsal rooms. Of course, this will cost you either your time or if you hire a professional a little bit of money but it is important before you enter into a lease or the planning phase of your recording studio, that you have verified your zoning requirements.

Air Conditioning and Heating Tips for Recording Studios

Something to consider when building a sound proof recording studio is to provide proper ventilation, air conditioning and heating to the spaces. Since the rooms will have air tight seals for doors and windows, you must have proper ventilation and fresh air for your artists and engineers.

Proper Ventilation

The best way to accomplish this is by having a separate fresh air supply blower and a separate exhaust fan blower. This way you can exchange the stale air with fresh air on a constant basis.

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