
Feeling Closed In? Make a Small Room Bigger

Have you ever been in a room where you felt so confined that you wanted to physically push the walls outwards to give you more space?

Sometimes it’s not possible to change the size of a room. But some smart and efficient remodeling can change your perception of the room to make it feel more spacious than it is.

Here are a few tips about how you can make a small room look bigger:

Paint with Light Colors

Walls with dark colors will absorb light and make a room seem smaller. Freshen those walls up with white or another bright color, and an even lighter shade on the ceiling, to reflect the light and give a sense of more space.

Using light colors can create the illusion of larger space and also allow you to focus on artwork or items of furniture instead of the size of the room itself.

Increase the Natural Light

The more natural light you can get into a room, the bigger it will seem. And a bigger window (or windows) can be just the thing.

Some older houses may have fairly small windows, but a professional remodeling team can change and install different windows in quick time.

It’s vital to call in professionals because you never know what’s inside the walls, like electrical wires or pipes.

Or how about a skylight? This attractive feature will not only bring light into a dark area but also will ventilate when it’s open to circulate the air and remove smells and stuffy air.

Install New Lighting

Well placed lights can change a room immeasurably. A light fixture in the middle of the room is basic and cheap, but it will tend to darken the edges and make the room seem smaller.

Install new light fixtures around the corners, and to highlight features, and watch how your room brightens and seems larger. Just like movies and plays need properly designed lights to make everything look good and convey certain moods, so too your home lighting needs the input and wisdom of a professional to unlock its full potential.

Remove Clutter in the Room

The less cluttered the room, the bigger it will look. You need to be tidy and organized.

Keep the number of ornaments to a minimum and ensure paintings don’t cover too much wall space.

Consider having our team install the following to optimize space:

  • built-in storage and closets, especially with mirrors on the doors
  • a Murphy bed
  • window seats with built-in storage
  • storage nooks and niches – you might be surprised what features we can add.

These are just some of the options you have to make a small room look bigger. Ask one of our professionals to see your home and provide specialized and customized advice to make your remodeling a success.

Romney Tripp of RWT Design & Construction“Romney Tripp started construction in 1977 and formed RWT Design & Construction in 1992, eventually setting up the shop in Burbank. From the mid 1980’s Romney has been working on building recording studios as well as…” Read more.

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to RWT Design & Construction.

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