
Easy Remodeling to Give Your SoCal Home Some Hollywood Celebrity Style

Who doesn’t want to live like their favorite celebs? They seem to have the best of everything and the terms ‘off the rack’ or ‘out of the catalogue’ don’t ever seem to apply to them. Some have grand homes while others appear to live simply. What they all have in common is that they add special touches to their homes

For your home, remodeling like a Hollywood celebrity home doesn’t have to break the bank. You don’t need a mansion, just good ideas. Here are some simple home remodeling ideas to help you keep up not only with the Joneses, but also the Pitts, DiCaprios and Depps.

Read Between the Lines – Built-In Bookshelves

Whether you’re flipping through the pages of Architectural Digest or browsing online through the homes of your favorite stars, something present in almost every celebrity home is built-in  bookshelves. Cicero said, “A room without books is like a body without a soul,” and it would seem that most stars agree

Luckily for you, with some good mill work, it is a relatively simple project for your home, since it can be done using existing walls and partitions that are hollowed out and reinforced with the design and specs of the bookshelves of your choosing. Go with dark stained wood for old style and grandeur, or light and clean for a modern look. It will add sophistication to any room of your house, as well increase the value for your home by ditching the bulky freestanding bookcases.

Dress the Part – Custom Closets

Celebrities are often infamous and imitated for their high fashion and, more often than not, they have custom closets for their custom couture.

Whether you’re fitting existing closet space with custom shelving and storage or expanding to have the walk-in closet of your dreams, you’ll feel like a movie star every morning and night. Include mirrors in cool places and smart lighting for the simplest SoCal remodel to make your home feel like the domain of the rich and famous.

Green is Hollywood’s Favorite Color – Solar Panels

Question: What do these celebrities have in common? Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Julia Roberts, Rachel McAdams, Orlando Bloom, Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, and many more.

Answer: They all have solar panels on their homes.

Be smart like the celebrity A-list and go green. Few remodeling projects can be less invasive then placing solar panels on your home’s roof and fewer still have such a positive impact upon the environment. It’s an environmentally responsible idea and will reduce your energy bills big time. This is one Hollywood celebrity home remodel we can all get behind.

Quick Ideas from the Stars

Some quick-fire remodeling ideas from actual celebrity homes:

  • Outdoor kitchen – Jennifer Aniston has an elegant one on her patio by the pool. She also has a chic wine room.
  • Outdoor retreat and living space – Something very simple and much loved by Jody Foster as she stays private.
  • Classic 1950s dining room – Picture floot-to-ceiling windows looking out to the garden or even ocean, with elegant white décor. Bob Hope’s old house in Toluca Lake has a gorgeous example.
  • Reclaimed wood – Nothing new, only custom character. For doors, beams, cabinetry, window frames, flooring, you name it. Director Joel Schumacher has it everywhere.
  • Hacienda style – Bruce Willis has it in his living room with arched doorways, exposed beams, and Spanish color scheme.

Romney Tripp of RWT Design & Construction“Romney Tripp started construction in 1977 and formed RWT Design & Construction in 1992, eventually setting up the shop in Burbank. From the mid 1980’s Romney has been working on building recording studios as well as…” Read more.

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to RWT Design & Construction.

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